perfect house, perfect light, perfect family

I know I say it all the time, but I LOVE MY JOB.

Just last week I got to spend an evening in the beautiful Dundee hills meeting a lovely new family. Sent to me from a wonderful friend, I was excited to meet the Dixons and their beautiful new home. New houses are exciting right? The decorating possibilities, picking out paint, it is fun stuff.

When I arrived I got the warmest welcome, I had a great time meeting this super cute family of 4 and capturing this special time for them. šŸ™‚

Here are a few of my favorites so far:

Check out the whole family in front of their beautiful new home.Ā 

Meet Mr. L, the first to greet me and tell me ALL about the house and family. He might be the cutest little dude I have ever met.

Meet Miss G, stickling beautiful, tall, smart & witty. Girl is going to be a heart breaker for sure!

These two kill me, so lovely together!

Mr L was such a ham in front of the camera, and I ate it up. How can you not point a lens and this cute smile right.

Miss G also has a killer smile and some baby blues that are stunning.

Have I mentioned he was a ham?!

Another of the two kiddos together, this melts me, I hope my own boy & girl love each other this much.

They are adorable right, well they should be, mom owns one of McMinnvilleā€™s cutest boutiques.


Right at sunset we hit the street near their house to catch that yummy sunset light. I love that the whole family truly enjoys each other you can tell.


And one last shot of the whole family, I think this one might be my favorite.

David & Shanna thanks again for having me out to capture your family. Your home is fantastic, I am glad we could grab this moment in time. I will have the whole gallery up very soon! For now I hope you enjoy the sneak peek and of course as new clients I will have to issue the customary blog challenge. If you can get 25 people to comment on this little post, I will throw in a mini wallet brag book of images on the house. So leave some love people. šŸ™‚

xo em

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